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"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with, your rod and your staff, they comfort me" Psalm 23:4

As we look at the world, the despair that surrounds it, we Like David say "I walk through the Valley of the shadow of death." However what we need to remember is that it's nothing but a shadow.  A shadow when it catches us by surprise might startle us. When unexpected one might believe the shadow is an actual physical object. Once we realize it's but a shadow, our heart begins to settle to its' normal beat and we say "silly, it's a shadow." Our fear immediately begins to fade. 


Life cast shadows. David in his walk encountered many shadows that appeared to threatened his life. Through it all David could recount God's faithfulness. He new his life was in the creators hands. He knew that all whether good or bad that came his way must first be filtered through the Father's hands, working towards the creators plans. He knew that God like the good shepherd would defend and walk with him through every calamity


We must like David trust and submit to our God. We must remember shadows cannot harm us. We must remember that we do not walk alone the creator of the universe walks besides us and knows what's ahead.


God's rod will correct us and beat back the enemy. His staff will pulls us away from that which is not part of His plans. During times of fear let us like David turn to our Heavenly Father and think on His word, His promises, and his rule over all things in this life and in the life to come


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